Saturday, August 12, 2006

All quiet on the home front... least for a little bit.

Our good friends from San Mateo, CA left yesterday, after an all-too-brief visit. Their two sons (age 13 and 11) are wonderful kids (hey, as far as I'm concerned, any 11-year-old who loves sushi and fried calamari is awesome!) and it was great to see them again after so long. The boys were thrilled to be able to sleep in a tent in our back yard (undisturbed by moles or other nocturnal wanderers, apparently), which made it easy to deal with four house guests when we only have one extra bedroom.

David spent both days out and about with them, showing them some of Portland's coolest places, while I, slug that I am, slept/rested/tried to muster some energy so I could be awake when they returned from their adventures. I did as much cooking/entertaining as I could, but ended up needing to sleep a lot more than I would have preferred.

So now the linens on the guest room bed are fresh, as are the towels in the guest bath. Our private, little B&B is quiet, but ready for the next round of guests, expected to arrive some time towards the end of the week or the beginning of next week. I plan to spend a good deal of time between now and then hanging out being even more lazy than usual.

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